Monday, September 26, 2011

Peachtree City Sharpsburg area child photographer announces little Miss M

I love me some babies.  I'd have a bazillion if I could.  I love their chubby legs, the sparkle in their eyes, the sound of their laughter . . . I'd have a bazillion if I could.  Please don't tell my husband I said that.

I got to spend Saturday morning with little Miss M and her parents.   My idea of a perfect Saturday is exactly this -- we had fun changing her outfits, playing with her props, and getting her to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider."  She'd reward us with a smile, and all four adults would erupt in applause.  That's how it is around babies, you know.  The world just seems to revolve around them -- that's how it should be.

Look at little Miss M.  Tell me you wouldn't be in love.

This little girl has better accessories than I do.  And that's saying a lot.  

In case you were wondering how this little girl turned out so incredibly cute, take a look at her parents.  Gorgeous, aren't they?  

  I love seeing parents that are head over heels in love with their children, who have never-ending patience for their little ones, and who really get what life is about.  To me, it's about the babies, children, kindness, families . . . and love.

 This is what I like to spend my Saturdays doing.  Can you see why?

"While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about."
~Angela Schwindt

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Locust Grove photographer announces Erin and Blake's wedding

What better way is there to spend a day than at a wedding?  I love weddings -- I love the entire day focused on two people just beginning their life together . . .

My philosophy as a wedding photographer is to document the day in what I describe as a picture story.  I like to be in the parking lot as the bride gets out with her coffee and bags and spend every minute with her as she gets her hair done, as her friends arrive and fuss over her, as she cries when her mother sees her, and when she bows her head in prayer before she heads to the ceremony. 

 The reverence of a ceremony never ceases to take my breath away.

I love group pictures -- and Erin and Blake's group was so fun!

I always make sure that the bride schedules plenty of time to spend on her bridals.  I think you should have so many pictures of yourself on your wedding day.  You can never have enough.

And then the reception . . . eating, dancing, laughing . . . so much emotion. 

Congratulations, Erin and Blake!  Thank you for letting me share your day with you -- it was 
an honor and a privilege!  

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sharpsburg area photographer announces Camille's senior pictures

Have I mentioned how much I love doing senior pictures?  I just love, love, love how uninhibited seniors are, how they will try anything.  Camille and I had so much fun!  We hopped across rocks in a creek, hung over banisters, and posed by abandoned buildings.  It wasn't work -- it was an adventure.

Then again, when you get to take pictures of heart-stoppingly beautiful people like Camille, it's never work.  It's a privilege. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Atlanta Peachtree City engagement photographer announces Jennie and Keith

When I was a little girl, my mother used to talk to strangers in the grocery store . . . and at the post office . . . and, well, everywhere we were.  My sister and I would mutter to each other, "There she goes again, making friends with every stranger in town!"  I was at the grocery store the other day, and my 7-year-old daugther (who thinks she is 14, by the way) looked mortified.  When we got outside, she exclaimed, "Mom!  Why do you have to talk to all the strangers?" 

I realized that just like my mother, I do talk to everyone I meet -- simple as it sounds, I just love people.  I love hearing everyone's story.  I love knowing a little bit more about what they know.  I love that during the few hours I am with someone doing a photo shoot, I get to hear their story.

Keith and Jennie have a summer wedding planned.  They arrived for their shoot holding hands, looking adoringly at each other, and letting me pose them.  They were such good sports.  But something was just missing . . . so I just stopped the shoot, and we just chatted for awhile.  "Tell me the story of your wedding," I said.  Jennie's eyes just lit up as she told me that her wedding was all about summer colors, the sunshine, and the warmth of the sun.  I realized I had seen a yellow dress in her car, and I asked her to put that on.  Yellow dress, sunshine, warmth . . . it just came together perfectly. 

I can't wait to hear more about their life together.  I just know they will look on the bright side of things, always be warm and kind to each other, and bask in happiness.  You can just see it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Atlanta Peachtree City child photographer announces Hayden's first steps!

One of the joys of being a photographer is getting to share in life moments with people.  I get to photograph people exchanging vows of commitment and love, little ones celebrating a birthday, people dancing at graduation parties, and even a parent's first look at their new child in a delivery room.  It's life x100000.  I'm so lucky.

Today I got to witness another tender life moment, some of Hayden's first steps.  Hayden has Angelman Syndrome and her road to walking and mobility has been a long one.  She has been getting up on those little feet and taking those steps, sometimes falling, always smiling laughing, and then trying again.  I was lucky enough to be there to capture it.

"That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."  -Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Atlanta Peachtree City child photographer announces Hayden and Angelman Syndrome Awareness

When my friend Deanna's little one was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, I have to admit that the first thing I did was open up google because I had never heard of it.

 Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in 1 in 15,000 live births. AS is often misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy or autism.  In most cases, AS is not inherited.  A child is born missing a segment of their 15th chromosome on the maternal side.  Characteristics of AS include developmental delay, lack of speech, seizures, and walking and balance disorders. Individuals with Angelman Syndrome will require life-long care.

Deanna took her love for running and then started to train in earnest to raise money for Angelman Syndrome awareness.  You can see her running, swimming, and biking her heart out all over town as she trains for races, wins, and donates all the profits to Angelman research.   She started the Miles for Smiles team to raise money for this cause -- no, not a cause -- she's raising money for Hayden, her sweet angel baby, and for other sweet angels.

Look at Hayden.  She radiates happiness and warmth and love.  Consider joining the Miles for Smiles team or supporting a Miles for Smiles athlete and help cure Angelman Syndrome.

Atlanta Peachtree City child photographer announces Hannah

I have the cutest niece in the entire world.  I know, I know, everyone is biased about their own family, right? Take a look at Hannah and tell me I am wrong.

Hannah had plagiocephaly, a condition where her head width was greater than her head length -- basically the back of her head looked flat.  She got fitted for this little "helmet" --which reshaped the growing and changing bones in her head.  If you think your baby's head is flat on the back, go ahead and talk to your pediatrician!  Technology is amazing now, and it can be corrected!

And, don't skip taking pictures because your little one has a black eye or a cast on their arm or a skinned-up knee . . . one day you will treasure the memory.

Atlanta Peachtree City area engagement photographer announces Erin and Blake

You know my love for engagement photos, and these are some of my favorites!  Erin and Blake were so fun -- they seemed to forget the camera was there, and I just got to watch and see how in love they were. 

I have the best job ever.  I really do. 

Peachtree City photographer announces senior portraits with Katelyn

I love doing senior pictures!  So many people get nervous in front of a camera -- but not a senior!  I can say, "Hang upside down and tilt your head right into the sun.  Now close your eyes halfway and throw your hair back over your shoulder!"  And they do it!  It is so much fun.  I can be as creative as I want to be.  Katelyn made my job so easy, though.  She was a natural in front of the camera.  Isn't she gorgeous?